I with no doubt disagree that we should have plastic bags
Opening statement:
I strongly with no hesitation disagree that we should have plastic
Did you know plastic bags kill thousands of animals each year
including sea life? For instance on tv once I saw a sad cruel sighting
it was of a whale killed. People found about 18 plastic bags sad in
it’s poor tommy sad right.
And also did you know plastic bags are not biodegradable this
means they never leave they will be in sight for about one thousand
years.That's more than about 6 human life times. Oh also plastic bags not
only harms animals it harms the food chain in marine seas.
Before plastic bags end up in beaches or marine reserves they first
affect our environment. If you live in farms or always go to town
you’ll understand. You should see plastic bags rolling across the
ground like a apocalyptic tumbleweed or in street trees just trying to
lurk it’s way out. Plastic bags disrupt mother nature in a bag way
they end up in soil and slowly but shorley release toxic chemicals.
They will eventually break down then that will lead to animals
eating it and slowly choking leading to DEATH.
I know that plastic bags are useful for holding stuff but when you
think of it plastic bags are like thin paper has no muscle whatsoever
there useless. For instance in the supermarket people got plastic bags
but then as soon as they held it by the handle it broke in an instance
useless right. Another example in antarctica when the ice melted
they found inconclusive amounts of little tiny useless plastic bags
but they were in little pieces., they were probably there for years
that's why they are broken down or fish and stuff gobbled it down
and DIED.
I hope you learned a few things and maybe have changed your mind
about plastic bags.